Mum’s buying her house

Quick little bit of funny and happy news. All is going through with the sale of the house. Mortgage has been secured and offer on the house accepted. Mum called and she insisted that I read the paperwork before it’s all signed, so I told her to scan them in at work and email them to me. I can only compare it to when I bought my flat, but we went through an estate agent, so not sure I’m the person to read it through. However, she said it would make her feel better for me to read it, so I told her to send them over. After we hung up my phone rang and I answered it to a horrible screeching noise. Mum is so in the dark ages, she took the papers into work and tried to fax them to my phone. I rang her work and spoke with her boss who said she’d scan them and email them to me. What a numpty my mum is. But so happy she’s getting her house. I’m just over the moon. I wish I could be there to celebrate with her.


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