The last post

As I said in my previous post, HP left me a letter. You already know what came of that letter. I’m now working with London/Paris. I told Dickie and Giles ‘no’, said I’d help them transition with a new person. But they said ‘jog on’. Well, they said it in a posh way. I think they thought I would change my mind. But, no way jack. London’s been talking to some of my favourite agency authors, and they’re considering publishing with us.

I also forgot to tell you that Katie has decided to move in with HP and pay my part of the mortgage. Solves her need for a place to live, and this way HP and I don’t have to sell the flat straight away (he couldn’t afford the mortgage on his own). After I get back from the US, I’m going to stay in Kingston with mum. Katie is going to pack up all my stuff and after the new year, she’ll drive it down to England in a hire car.

The plans have been made and I don’t know what the future holds. But I’m okay with it, and I’m excited. I do miss HP. I love HP. But, he’s right. It was time to move on.

This is my last blog post. I can no longer discuss the secrets of my life with the world. But, I thank everyone who has come along with me over the last four years. The friends I have made online and off.

Just knowing you were out there made my life beautiful.

Thank you.




3 responses to “The last post

  1. As someone who has read your blog for a few years, good luck with everything.

  2. I’ve been quite addicted to following this blog almost from the very beginning, and I’m certainly going to miss it.

  3. Sorry to hear you’re ending the blog and that things didn’t work out in the way you’d hoped. Good luck with the new career direction and everything. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog.

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