The jig isn’t up

Was at my desk (how many of my blogs begin this way? Then again, I am practically chained to my desk.) Anyway, I was at my desk when ‘ol HarryPotter comes up and says, ‘Goatee and I were talking, and he wasn’t aware that MNM already has a blog. I started it when I made the Facebook and Twitter accounts.’

Then there was a pause before he added, ‘So that’s one less thing for you to do everyday.’

I just kind of stared at him. I was waiting for him to say the code, ‘I know about notesfromtheintern’. Or atleast give me some sort of Masonic handshake to signify that the jig was up. But, nothing.

In fact, the silence became awkward enough that he must have assumed I forgot about Goatee’s request, so he added, ‘Did you and Goatee talk about starting an MNM blog?’

This shook me out of my fear, so I just said, ‘Oh yeah. He mentioned something. How did the idea of a blog get into his head?’

HarryPotter shrugged and said, ‘I don’t know. I guess it’s the launch of this new electronic book.’

That satisfied my curiosity. I told HarryPotter thanks, and he went back to his desk.

As for me. Hoooraayyyy! I have not been sussed out. Back to blogging as normal. (Like this bit of paranoia was stopping me anyway.)

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